“Vaishampaayana said, ‘One
day, knowing that Arjuna’s glances were put upon Urvashi, Vaasava (Lord Indra), calling Chitrasena to Himself, addressed him in private saying, ‘O
king of Gandharvas, I am pleased; you go as my messenger to that foremost of
Apsaras, Urvashi, and let her wait upon that tiger among men, Phaalguna (Arjuna). Tell
her, saying these words of mine. As through my instrumentality Arjuna has learnt
all the weapons and other arts, worshipped by all, so should you make him knowledgeable
with the arts of familiarising one’s self in female company.’
“Thus, addressed by (Lord) Indra, the chief of the Gandharvas in obedience to that command of
Vasava, soon went to Urvashi that foremost of Apsaras. As he saw her, she
recognised him and delighted him by the welcome she offered and the salutation
she gave. Seated at ease he then smilingly addressed Urvashi, who also was
seated at ease, saying, ‘Let it be known, O you of fair hips, that I come here
despatched by the one sole lord of heaven (Lord Indra) who asks of you a favour. He who is known among Devas and men for his
many inborn virtues, for his grace, behaviour, handsomeness of person, vows (Vrata
in Sanskrit) and self-control; who is
noted for might and prowess, and respected by the virtuous, and ready-witted;
who is filled with genius and splendid energy, is of a forgiving temper and
without hatred of any kind; who has studied the four Vedas with their branches,
Upanishads, and Puranas also; who is filled with devotion to his Gurus and with
intellect possessed of the eight attributes, who by his abstinence, ability,
origin and age, is alone capable of protecting Devaloka like Maghavat (Lord
Indra) Himself; who is never boastful;
who shows proper respect to all; who sees the minute things as clearly as if
those were gross and large; who is sweet-speeched; who showers diverse kinds of
food and drink on his friends and dependents; who is truthful, worshipped of
all, eloquent, handsome, and without pride; who is kind to those devoted to
him, and universally pleasing and dear to all; who is firm in promise; who is
equal to Mahendra (Lord Indra) and
Varuna in respect of every desirable attribute, viz., Arjuna, is known to you.
O Urvashi, you know that hero is to be made to taste the joys of heaven.
Commanded by (Lord) Indra, let him
today obtain your feet. Do this, O friendly one, for Dhananjaya is inclined to you.’
addressed, Urvashi of faultless features assumed a smiling face, and receiving
the words of the Gandharva with high respect, answered with a glad heart,
saying, ‘Hearing of the virtues that should adorn men, as unfolded by you, I
would bestow my favours upon any one who happened to possess them. Why should I
not then, choose Arjuna for a lover? At the command of (Lord) Indra,
and for my friendship for you, and moved also by the numerous virtues of Phaalguna,
I am already under the influence of the God of love (Manmatha in Sanskrit). You go, therefore, to the place you
desire. I shall gladly go to Arjuna.’”
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